PHP in Hindi Operators

Operators का उपयोग Data को Developed करने के लिए किया जाता है. Programming Languages मे Operators को Mathematics से लिया जाता है और Operator Programmers Data के साथ काम करते है.

Operator एक Symbols की एक Chain है जो कुछ Values के साथ प्रयोग किया जाता है. Variables और Values पर संचालन करने के लिए हम Operators का उपयोग करते है.

PHP भाषा बहुत से प्रकार के Operators का समर्थन करती है.

  • Arithmetic Operators

  • Comparison Operators

  • Assignment Operators

  • Logical Operators

  • Conditional Operators

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators को variables के साथ Arithmetic Operations Perform करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है. PHP भाषा मे इन + , - , * , / , % , ++ , -- Arithmetic Operators का उपयोग किया जाता है.

Operatos Description
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide and return quotient
% Divide and return modulus

For Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>PHP Arithmetic Operators Example</title>
      $var1 = 28;
      $var2 = 78;
      $res = $var1 + $var2;
      echo "Addtion Result is $res <br/>";
      $res = $var2 - $var1;
      echo "Substraction Result is $res <br/>";
      $res = $var1 * $var2;
      echo "Multiplication Result is $res <br/>";
      $res = $var1 / $var2;
      echo "Division Result is $res <br/>";
      $res = $var1 % $var2;
      echo "Modulus Result is $res <br/>";
      $res = $var1++; 
      echo "Increment Result is $res <br/>";
      $res = $var1--; 
      echo "Decrement Result is $res <br/>";


Addtion Result is 106
Substraction Result is 50
Multiplication Result is 2184
Division Result is 0.35897435897436
Modulus Result is 28
Increment Result is 28
Decrement Result is 29

Comparison Operators

Comparison Operators दो Variables की Values को Compare करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है. PHP भाषा मे इन == , != , > , < , >= , <= Comparison Operators का उपयोग किया जाता है.

Operatos Description
== Equal to
=== Equal to and of the same type
!= Not equal to
!== Not equal to and of the same type
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to

For Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>PHP Comparison Operators Example</title>
      $a = 65;
      $b = 85;
      if( $a == $b ){
         echo "a is equal to b <br/>";
         echo "a is not equal to b <br/>";
      if( $a > $b ){
         echo "a is greater than  b <br/>";
         echo "a is not greater than b <br/>";
      if( $a < $b ){
         echo "a is less than  b <br/>";
         echo "a is not less than b <br/>";
      if( $a != $b ){
         echo "a is not equal to b <br/>";
         echo "a is equal to b <br/>";
      if( $a >= $b ){
         echo "a is either greater than or equal to b <br/>";
         echo "a is neither greater than nor equal to b <br/>";
      if( $a <= $b ){
         echo "a is either less than or equal to b <br/>";
         echo "a is neither less than nor equal to b <br/>";


a is not equal to b
a is not greater than b
a is less than b
a is not equal to b
a is neither greater than nor equal to b
a is either less than or equal to b

Assignment Operators

Assignment Operators को एक Variable में Value लिखने के लिए Numeric Values के साथ उपयोग किया जाता है. PHP भाषा मे इन = , += , -= , *= , /= , %= Assignment Operators का उपयोग किया जाता है.

Operatos Description
+= Add and assign
-= Subtract and assign
*= Multiply and assign
/= Divide and assign quotient
%= Divide and assign modulus
.= Concatenate and assign

For Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>PHP Assignment Operators Example</title>
      $a = 35;
      $b = 50;
      $res = $a + $b;   
      echo "Addtion Operation Result: $res <br/>";
      $res += $a;  
      echo "Add and Assigment Operation Result: $res <br/>";
      $res -= $a; 
      echo "Subtract and Assignment Operation Result: $res <br/>";
      $res *= $a; 
      echo "Multiply and Assignment Operation Result: $res <br/>";
      $res /= $a;  
      echo "Division and Assignment Operation Result: $res <br/>";
      $res %= $a; 
      echo "Modulus and Assignment Operation Result: $res <br/>";


Addtion Operation Result: 85
Add and Assigment Operation Result: 120
Subtract and Assignment Operation Result: 85
Multiply and Assignment Operation Result: 2975
Division and Assignment Operation Result: 85
Modulus and Assignment Operation Result: 15

Logical (or Relational) Operators

Logical Operators Logic Perform करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है और ये Operators Control Statements में भी प्रयोग किया जाता है. PHP भाषा मे इन and , or , && , || , ! Logical Operators का उपयोग किया जाता है.

Operatos Description
&& And
|| Or
! Not

For Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>PHP Logical Operators Example</title>
      $a = 0;
      $b = 21;
      if( $a && $b ){
         echo "Both a and b are true<br/>";
         echo "Either a or b is false<br/>";
      if( $a and $b ){
         echo "Both a and b are true<br/>";
         echo "Either a or b is false<br/>";
      if( $a || $b ){
         echo "Either a or b is true<br/>";
         echo "Both a and b are false<br/>";
      if( $a or $b ){
         echo "Either a or b is true<br/>";
         echo "Both a and b are false<br/>";
      if( !$a ){
         echo "a is true <br/>";
         echo "a  is false<br/>";


Either a or b is false
Either a or b is false
Either a or b is true
Either a or b is true
a is true

Conditional Operators

PHP भाषा मे इन " ?: " (If Condition is true ? Then true value : Otherwise false value) Conditional Operators का उपयोग किया जाता है. Conditional Operators को Ternary Operators भी कहा जाता है.

For Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>PHP Conditional/Ternary Operator Example</title>
      $a = 50;
      $b = 35;         
      $res = ($a > $b ) ? $a ." is greater than ". $b  : $b." is greater than ". $a;         
      echo "The result :: $res";   


The result :: 50 is greater than 35